Following in the wake of The Ghosts of Borley (1973), Underwood offers further material and reflection upon ‘the most haunted house in the world’, including the original ‘Borley Report’ based on his own investigation of the site, which he sent to Harry Price, who in return offered him membership to The Ghost Club.
The book also includes a transcript of the lecture he originally toured with: ‘A Pictorial History of the Borley Haunting’.
The top right hand corner image of the Borley Postscript uses a detail from the cover of Harry Price’s The End of Borley Rectory (1946).
Price, the grandfather of ghost hunting as a serious practise (who personally invited Underwood to join the Ghost Club), was most famous for his investigation at Borley.
Illustrated throughout with many hitherto unpublished photographs and drawings, this volume is indeed 'a welcome and valuable contribution to the Borley story'.
Underwood wrote about Price in the first chapter of his book The Ghost Hunters (1985).